At the Aquaterra Institute of Peace, we're on a mission to bring Peace To Every Mind® offering training for 10,000 Peacemakers as the tipping point for world peace. With God, we believe anything is possible!

Amazing Testimonial From Peacemaker Graduate Tracy

Will You Ring The Bell For World Peace?

Introducing "The Peace Prophecy" trilogy of sacred texts written to awaken and uplift humanity!

Elaine Marie Christine

Hi, I’m Elaine Marie Christine

They say when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. It's been a BIG DREAM to teach 10,000 Peacemakers as the tipping point for world peace. I'm author of The Peace Prophecy trilogy, host of the World Peace Telesummit, and dedicated to uplifting humanity to the new Peace Consciousness.

Visit me online at

Aquaterra Institute of Peace is like a university without walls where everyone is a teacher in a mentoring culture. It's a wonderful fellowship in an academic, spiritual, and coaching environment. Become one of 10,000 Peacemakers trained to bring more peace in the world!

We'll teach you when . . .

1. Your ducks aren't flying in the same direction, and you need to take a DEEP BREATH and START OVER

2. You want to be forever changed and BREAK THROUGH THE FEAR of lack in your life and being stuck

3. To LEARN THE PEACE PROCESS, which is brilliant, practical, and absolutely in alignment with Universal Law

4. You want to GET RID OF STRESS by sending love to those who caused it for you, to reconcile, and TO HEAL

5. You're ready to MOVE ON with your life, to TRUST MORE in yourself and in your HIGHER POWER

Leigh Ann Betts

Leigh Ann Betts, Canmore, Canada

"I’ve had several sessions with Elaine and each time I leave with more inspiration, hope and confidence and I know the exact steps I need to take to move my life and business forward. I highly recommend a session to get the clarity you need to move your life forward!"

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I enroll today?

When you click the button to enroll today you will enter your name and a password to register as a student. All training is completely self-paced online—so you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the Institute?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this Institute for as long as you like—across any and all devices you own.

Is there an Affiliate Program?

Yes! Get your Earn and Learn Affiliate Link by sending an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to email you a personal link you can share.

"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." —Matthew 5:9